Diversity, Inclusions, and Anti-Racism in Pain
Chair: Martha Kenney, Duke University
Co-Chair: Troy Dildine, National Institutes of Health

Engaging in meaningful conversation, self-reflection, collaboration, and information dissemination about diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism across the pain continuum and promote affirmative practices that address the needs and challenges faced by marginalized, minoritized, and diverse populations.
Researching, serving and advocating for equity and inclusivity across the pain continuum.
Upcoming Events and Resources
Connect with us @USASP_DIA_SIG
Resources & Events:
Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Currently seeking members who might be interested in presenting. If you would like to share your work, please reach out to co-chair Martha Kenney.
Previous meetings opened upcoming opportunities for collaboration, particularly for USASP symposium proposals and The Journal of Pain special issue.
To facilitate these collaborative efforts, we have set up a Google sheet where you can list your contact details and specify if you are seeking collaboration on a symposium proposal, JoP special issue or other projects.
Annual Conference