A nomination packet must be submitted electronically to the central office of the USASP (See Nomination/Submission Process below for details). The Fellow Review Panel, part of the USASP Awards Committee, will review all completed applications and make recommendations to the USASP Board of Directors for Fellow designation.
Fellows of USASP must remain active members of USASP (e.g., dues-paying, service commitments, etc.) for at least 5 years following this designation to maintain fellow status.
Key Dates and Deadlines
Step One - Nominations are to be submitted by November 1, 2024.
Step Two - Successful nominees will be notified by February 1, 2025

Detailed Nomination Process
The minimum membership requirements for a Fellow shall be as follows:
At the time of the application deadline, the applicant or nominee must have completed at least 2 years of active membership in USASP at the Regular membership levels (Membership minimum is based on total years as a regular member and is not required to be consecutive).
A fellow must be nominated by a current or past USASP Board Officer or Member, each of whom can nominate one individual per year. The application must include a letter on the nominator’s letterhead and signed by the nominator.
The minimum standards for a USASP Fellow shall be as follows:
The nominee must have either an advanced degree beyond the baccalaureate conferred by a graduate school of recognized standing, or a professional degree from an accredited professional institution.
The nominee must have been engaged in recognized work related to pain for at least 15 years after completing training prior to application in each of the following areas:
Current engagement in advancing the pain field at the time of nomination. Nominees can demonstrate such engagement in a variety of ways, including the following:
i. Research—such as receiving federal grant awards, conducting primary research, or promoting methodological or statistical improvements.
ii. Clinical or other practice—such as working with patients, caregivers, or pain services organizations in innovative ways, or having a major role in supervising students in pain practice.
iii. Education or training—such as teaching courses on pain or mentoring trainees.
iv. Administrative—such as chairing a department of pain sciences or a pain studies program or administrating a pain services or advocacy organization.
v. Public policy—such as advocating for the pain field at local, state, regional, or national levels.
Past scholarly achievements in the field of pain. Nominees must have been engaged in recognized work related to pain and must have demonstrated an active interest and commitment to pain. This interest can be demonstrated in a variety of ways, such as the following:
i. Recognition for research or teaching for pain
ii. Leader of nationally recognized pain-related programs
iii. Engagement in funded pain research projects
iv. Chair of symposia at national conferences
v. Development of innovative curricula for pain specialization tracks
vi. Involvement in USASP and IASP activities.
A history of Service Activities to the pain community. A minimum of three activities/roles in service to a organization or institution that promotes pain science and the mission of the USASP (e.g., NIH, VA, PCORI, IASP, APS, CPS) as evidence of a strong and sustained commitment to the field of pain.
Step One
To nominate an individual for USASP Fellow Status, the nominator must submit the following documents in a single PDF file:
Nominee Information: Include the nominee's full name, current affiliation, and contact information (email and phone number).
Nomination Letter: Provide a nomination letter on official letterhead (if applicable), signed by the nominator, who must be a current or past USASP Board Officer or Board Member. The letter should:
Describe the nominee's qualifications and contributions to the field of pain.
Briefly describe the nominee's Service Activities to the pain community that support the mission of USASP.
Explain why the nominee deserves to be awarded Fellow status.
Curriculum Vitae (CV): Include the nominee's full CV detailing their educational background, professional experience, scholarly achievements, and involvement in USASP and other relevant activities.
Submission Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by November 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
Submission Email: Send the complete nomination packet to Dr. Brittany Knight at admin@usasp.org with the subject line “USASP Fellow Nomination.”
Step Two
Upon initial review and verification that the nominee meets the minimum criteria, the USASP will directly contact the nominated individual in order to verify the content of the nomination materials. Upon completion of this activity, the nominee will provide the names and contact information for 2 additional individuals who the nominee will contact to provide letters of support for the nominee’s application. One of these individuals must have completed at least 2 years of active membership in USASP at the Regular membership levels.
Review Process:
The USASP Awards Committee will review all submitted applications based on the criteria and standards outlined above.
The committee will evaluate each application for completeness, adherence to the eligibility requirements, and the nominee's contributions to the field and Service Activities.
Recommendations for Fellow status will be forwarded to the USASP Board of Directors for final approval.
Successful nominees will be notified by February 1, 2025.
Inducted Fellows will be formally recognized at the USASP Annual Scientific Meeting, where they will receive their certificate and lapel pin. The 2025 USASP Annual Scientific Meeting will be held in Chicago April 29-May 2, 2025.
Attend the USASP Annual Scientific Meeting of the following year for formal recognition
Fellows of USASP must remain active members of USASP for at least 5 years to maintain fellow status.
Annual Conference