Substance Use and Addiction
Chair: Jennifer Nyland, Pennsylvania State College of Medicine
Co-Chair: Antoinette Spector, University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee
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The goal of the Substance use and Addiction SIG is to advance the understanding and treatment of substance use and pain. This will be accomplished by: 1) promoting and advancing research, 2) partnering with advocacy organizations to improve patient care, 3) providing education to researchers, clinicians, trainees, and patients, and 4) providing a forum for collaboration.
1) Research
Grounded in the biopsychosocial model
Spans the continuum of care from prevention to treatment and recovery
Includes basic, clinical, and translational science
Informs stakeholders of emerging science and evidence-based practices
2) Patient-Centered Care
Engage patient and community perspectives across each pillar
Reduce stigma and discrimination
3) Collaboration
Connect individuals from a wide range of disciplines and across all career stages
Partner with advocacy organizations to improve equitable access to quality substance use and chronic pain services
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